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UV germicidal lamp for air purification

It is more popular to use uv germicidal lamps for air sterilization, such as eliminate mites in our daliy life.
Generally speaking, Uv lights are consist of differnet wavelength, UVA, UVB, UVC and UVU etc.. UVC wavelength is often used for disinfection, decontamination of surfaces and water sterilization.


Compared to chemical sterilization for air and water,uvc has more eco-freindly disinfection way and it has no second poluution for our environment.
Lightbest uvc germicidal lamps could kill 99-99.9% microorganisms including etc. within 1 to 2 seconds by emiting 253.7nm uvc light.

Compared to chemical sterilization for air and water,uvc has more eco-freindly disinfection way and it has no second poluution for our environment.
Lightbest uvc germicidal lamps could kill 99-99.9% microorganisms including etc. within 1 to 2 seconds by emiting 253.7nm uvc light.


It is better to use uv germicidal lamps at 1meter, not exceed 2-2.5meter, more closer, the stronger the uv intensity.
Caution: Protect eyes and skin from uvc rays.

A good ambient envrionment will help uv germicidal lamps sterilization and extent lamp lifetime.
25℃ is a good temperature for general lamps, Lightbest amalgam uvc lamps have special pellet amalgam in over wide temperature from 4℃ to 60℃
Please keep closed space and put lamps in the middle of the room when we use uv germicidal lamps for air sterilization.

30-60mins is better for a bedroom air purification.
Please refer to more uvc lamps information from


Post time:2024-12-30 23:20:09

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